Temple Quarry Trailhead | First Look Bridals | Alyssa + Aaron

Aaron and Alyssa’s relationship started off just as hot and steamy as the rest of their relationship has been…..in the hot tub! These two met one random night when both of them decided to take a trip to the hot tub of their apartment complex. We quickly became friends over the bubbles. They met yet another time back in the hot tub, and then decided to go on a spontaneous night hike together. Alyssa said that, on their first date, they “acted so much like a couple it was unreal.” They even held hands together on their first date! They just had a blast together from the start.

These two have such a fun relationship. Alyssa jokes that she loves Aaron for his biceps and his money 🙂 But after that, she loves that they can talk for hours on end, that Aaron is patient with her….and that he enables her soda addictions (ha!). Aaron loves that Alyssa can always make him smile, that he can talk to her about anything, and that they make each other laugh a lot.

These two have continued the tradition of going on night hikes, and they also love to play raquetball, make treats and cook together, and just being together and talking. They have a hidden talent of singing Disney love song duets together (which usually involve Frozen and High School Musical). They also love cuddling (who doesn’t!), watching movies, and kissing (but only “sometimes” they claim).

These two decided to to do a First Look formal session up in Little Cottonwood Canyon. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and they even let me take them out onto the river. They adventured onto rocks, and we found the prettiest tree with the perfect light filtering in.

I love Aaron and Alyssa and their adventurous, fun hearts!Â